
Making this Apartment a Home: Craft Room

So, for the past several years, I have stuffed my felt, fabric, glue, headbands, half-glued flowers, jewelry supplies, scissors, glue guns, scrabble pieces, picture frames, banners, candles, chain rolls, etc, etc, etc into any available drawer or kitchen cabinet I could find. 
Drove my husband bonkers. 

So when we moved into the apartment and put the boys together in a room, we were faced with a dilemma: guest room or craft space? 

When the guest bed wouldn't fit into the extra room, it was like duh. I really love the natural light and I can't wait to get a few more plants up in here.

I think I may paint the filing cabinet, but I may just leave it all nat-ur-al. 

 Happy reminders of my peeps.

 The natural light in this room is phenom.

I picked up this plant stand for $15 the last time I visited my parents in Alabama- it's awesome.

Happy colors.

Thanks for taking a peek into my world!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT…love the plant stand…the picture of us…the poms…ok, EVERYTHING
