
Checking In

Every year I make New Year's Resolutions, and every year it's the same old story... I either don't even touch them, or I make a small dent and then give up. I'm not beating myself up about it, because I'm guessing that's what happens to almost everyone! The past few days I've been thinking, though- I think I've actually succeeded in a couple of things (so far...I mean, we're a month into it, people). Let's review a few of mine:

1.Buy more handmade/shop local: I get a 10/10 on this one. Let's just say my Etsy shop supports my Etsy habit. Ok, that's not entirely true, but I have made several purchases from some wonderful Etsy shops, as well as trying out new local restaurants for our date nights, etc. At this point, I feel pretty good about this one.

2.Exercise. Like, period. Like, get off my bum and do something (besides chase after my boys all day, which should count!) So...yeah. I "danced" one morning for about 20 mins (jumping around in my dining room to fun music). My boys were like, "What the heck is Mom doing?" I didn't even sweat, but I got hot enough to take off my hoodie. FAIL. I really need to get back on this. When it's warm, I run and walk almost every day, but the cold just does me in. I also struggle with finding the right time to exercise. I need a good video or something. Open for suggestions, friends.

3.Work harder at my Etsy business. Yes. I have been. And it's been really good. I've had the best sales of any month so far. Still learning to balance this and being a Mom and wife, etc. etc. I'm happy with where I'm at. It's a creative outlet for me and I really enjoy it. I never want to get so stressed out with it, that it takes away from my most important job. So yeah, pretty happy with that one.

4.Start a new blog. Done and done. Now, just need to learn how to navigate it and all that jazz. Oh, and also, keep up with it. I really am going to try, I promise!

5.PLAY with my boys more. SIGH. Tears. Guilt. This is a huge battle for me, and I think I have a whole other blog post already lined up in my head revolving around this (and other things). First of all, let me say, that it has been better. I have left projects I'm working on to go play with my boys. I've taken more time to tickle and laugh and enjoy them, but like many Moms, I always feel like I could be doing more. And I totally have those super selfish days, as well, where I WAS on my phone way to much and too preoccupied bee bopping around the house to really take time and love on my boys. I beat myself up, but I give myself grace, as well. I think I'm probably the hardest on myself in this area, but I also know I want to be better at giving selflessly of my time and energy, especially to my family.

6.Last one: TRUST GOD MORE. I'm learning...I'm learning. I have great days, and I have horrible days, but I'm moving forward. Again, a whole other blog post, and there will be many on this, I'm sure of it. One thing I've been chewing on the past few days: Why is it SO hard to just let go...to let go of the control and let God work? It's such a simple act if you think about it, but so much harder to put into play.

I'm a work in progress, and I have to accept God's grace for me everyday. I'm thankful that it never runs out on me.


Hey Everyone! This is officially my new blog. I know I have kind of started a few in the past and not really carried them on, but this time I am determined to be more active on here. So for those who are interested, I'll be sharing my little life with you through this blog. Everything from Mom stuff to fashion to my past struggles with anxiety to decorating to things God is teaching me, etc. If I can encourage even one person through this, I'll be happy =0)